Commercial Blinds UK

Why New Blinds Could Boost Your Workplace This Summer

Blinds can have a surprisingly large effect on the output and environment of any workplace – if you’ve ever worked in an office with broken, ill-fitting vertical blinds, you’ll already know how much of a difference they can make. If you’re looking for a way to boost your workplace, especially with the summer heat well…

Why You Should Choose Anthracite Blinds

At Expression Blinds, we understand that the huge variety of blinds and window treatments available can sometimes lead to choice paralysis and difficulty finding the ideal solution for you. Our fitters can help with that – during your free blinds consultation, they’ll be able to ask you some questions about what you’re hoping to achieve…

Why Choose Perfect Fit Shutters?

Expression Blinds have recently added the incredible Perfect Fit Shutters to our range, and we’re delighted to be able to provide them to our customers. They’re a remarkable window treatment solution that offers the best of both worlds to homeowners – the sleek, unobtrusive appearance and functionality of Perfect Fit blinds and the beauty and…

Which Blinds Are Best For Conservatories?

Conservatories are beautiful spaces, but they can be a nightmare when it comes to blinds – there’s so much glass, and the need for insulation can be huge. Thankfully, Expression Blinds have a range of blinds options that are fantastic for conservatories – we’ll be able to help you find the perfect solution, right on…

wooden blinds in a bay window in Warrington

Why You Should Choose Wood Blinds For Bay Windows

Wood blinds are one of our favourite blinds types here at Expression Blinds. They are a timeless and beautiful blinds solution that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of bay windows, but also offer a lot in the way of functionality and versatility for a homeowner. They’re a great choice for any design theme, and…

Why Perfect Fit Blinds Are The Best Choice For Your Bay Windows

We’ve mentioned before that bay windows can present a challenge for blinds – certain blinds types just don’t work as well with the angles and construction of a bay window, and experienced fitters are often needed to ensure your blinds will work as planned. Perfect Fit blinds are one fantastic solution for bay windows, with…

Be Ready For All Seasons With Perfect Fit Conservatory Roof Blinds

The unique environment of a conservatory, with its extensive glass panes and glass roof, can present massive challenges for temperature control and glare, no matter the season. One way to reduce the temperature swings in the conservatory and control the sunlight getting in is to use Perfect Fit conservatory blinds and Perfect Fit conservatory roof…

Do You Need Conservatory Roof Blinds?

A conservatory is one of the best places to spend a summer afternoon, but it can sometimes get a little too summery in there – and one of the best ways to control the heat and light in a conservatory is with a good set of conservatory roof blinds. As the roof of a conservatory…

The Advantages Of Perfect Fit Blinds For Home Offices

A home office space has the same blinds requirements as any bedroom or living room, but more: it needs to be pleasant, well-insulated, private, free from intense sunlight, and, perhaps most of all, it needs to be a place where you can focus and keep your mind in the present moment. The right blinds can…

The Timeless Advantages of Bay Window Wooden Blinds

Wooden blinds are one of the most popular blinds types fitted by Expression Blinds, and it’s easy to see why – they have a timeless elegance and appeal that fits almost anywhere. They even work perfectly as bay window blinds, providing both style and substance in a setting where other blinds types can fall down.…